Relgious Education
Religious Education...
Encourage learners to explore philosophical, religious, ethical, and spiritual questions that stimulate questioning and debate.
Include an open, objective and exploratory approach.
Ask basic questions about the meaning and purpose of life and the significance and impact of religion on society in this century.
Search for meaning to life helping pupils make sense of themselves and of the world in which they live.
Learn and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity, and of the other major religions that are found locally and nationally.
Learn and develop the knowledge and understanding of non-religious beliefs.
Develop respect, sensitivity and empathy with those with different beliefs and perspectives.
Give the opportunity to understand more about the world, the religious challenges that face it and their place in the world.
Learn about topics through film, artifacts and visits. Formulate and develop arguments.
Geography is a subject that allows you to apply the ability and the knowledge to look at Geographical problems objectively as a neutral observer. The course looks at the elements of the earth and at their relevance to people’s lives from all reasonable standpoints, not favoring one standpoint over another.
Geography allows you to .....
Investigate and follow an investigative method.
Learn through fieldwork.
Collect, analyse and interpret information.
Discuss information that’s presented
Develop key skills within numeracy, literacy and ICT
Use a range of skills including thinking skills
We study History in order to provide young people with an understanding of the world in which they live.
This involves:-
Developing knowledge and understanding about the past.
Encouraging an inquiring mind.
Awareness of chronology.
Studying and evaluating different types of sources in order to develop critical thinking skills.
Developing an understanding of the cause and effect of historical events.
Encouraging interpretation and analytical skills in questioning viewpoints.
Forming opinions based on facts.