PSE, Careers and Work experience prepares learners to be personally and socially effective by providing learning experiences in which they can develop and apply skills, explore personal attitudes and values, and acquire appropriate knowledge and understanding.
We aim to develop learners' self-esteem, sense of personal responsibility, promote self-respect, foster positive attitudes and behaviour as well as prepare learners for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and adult life.
The central focus of the Welsh Baccalaureate, which is at the heart of the new qualifications system in Wales, at Key Stage 4, is to provide a 14-16-medium tool to reinforce and build essential skills and employability.
The qualification will help learners prepare for the future by fostering skills, attributes and behaviors that will be appreciated by post-16 educators and potential employers. The main aim of the qualification is to enable learners to develop and demonstrate understanding and competence in essential skills and employability: Communication, Numeracy, Digital Literacy, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Creativity and Innovation, Planning and Organizing and Personal Effectiveness. The emphasis is on inclusive and purposeful learning and to provide assessment opportunities across a number of contexts, through three Challenges and Individual Projects.